Monday, March 2, 2009

School Board Election

Tuesday March 10, 2009 is the next PUSD School Board election. Nothing much worthy to report on. Again in violation of the policies they wrote to keep this reporter from endorsing people when he was a member, several Altadena Town Councilmembers have endorsed candidates and been identified, now with an "Asterick soley for identification purposes" as Town Council members, a clear (big shock) violation of the very rules they wrote. As always, in Altadena, the rules only apply to some, not to all. Like Dukes and Kings of old, the rules here never apply to those who wrote them. Big shock again.

Well who to vote for? Its not a good election in the main. In most of the races its Twiddle Lee Dumb , Twittle Lee Dumber and Twittle Lee Dumest are running unopposed, not a particularly inviting choice. There is one actual race where there is a clear choice.

The choice is between a candidate supported by all the people who have been supporting the candidates who have been winning and ruining the PUSD schools for thirty years, or another guy, not supported by any of those Nimrods. Guess who I support? If you instantly said "Charles Nelson", you, Dear Reader, are a super-informed voter. If you said "Miramontes," you are hopeless. If you shrugged, chances are you probably had no idea there is even an election going on.

I'd say "May the best man win", but the lesser man, as often happens in PUSD elections has all the endorsements and all the money. This is all your fault. You have let the schools rot to the state they are in by not getting involved, staying involved and voting for good candidates, no matter if the other side is endorsed by ACT, the Pasadena Democratic Club, the Minesterial Alliance, the PEF and all the other "nice " soft sell Dixiecrat racists who really in their pea pickin hearts don't think black men and latin women can really learn and must be forever dependent on the largess of the professional social worker class. Yes, I said that. It's sadly true. You owe it to the children and your community to not vote for the guy everyone keeps insisting is the only guy who can win and to vote for the better candidate, with the better ideas and fewer ties to lobbiests and special interests.

DO the right thing by your Community Tuesday, vote for Charles Nelson